SPP 1784
Welcome to "Chemical Biology of native Nucleic Acid Modifications"
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has established a Priority Programme entitled “Chemical Biology of native Nucleic Acid Modifications” (SPP 1784). The Priority Programme is designed to run for a total of six years.
A first call for proposals was issued in 8/2014 and after a symposium in 2/2015, 19 scientific projects were approved for funding. A kick-off meeting was held in Mainz in 12/2015, and the participants will come together in several meetings organized in the first 3-year funding period. A likely date for the 2nd call for proposals is in 8/2017.
This site provides a communication platform e.g. via newsletters and collections of publications from the field and from the participants.
Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Coordinator
Call for applications issued 27.July 2017.
Prof. Dr. Mark Helm Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Institut für Pharmazie und Biochemie Staudinger Weg 5 D-55128 Mainz
Phone 49-6131-3925731